In response to Alito’s apparent confirmation many Democrats in congress have said that Bush has established a lasting imprint on the judiciary. This is how Republicans operate, Bush is hardly more than a spokesman for the most powerful people in this country and his policies and actions reflect an agenda to protect that power. I find it hard to believe that at a time of such partisanship if Democrats were in the opposite position they would not be doing the same thing. This partisan attitude is a significant liability to taxpayers. Were there a more open attitude towards the other side this would not seem like a tragedy, but rather a logical consequence of running a disgustingly ineffective campaign. Democrats can bicker about this issue and they can cry, but they are not going to see results until they take a firm stance to protect liberal values and work WITH Republicans to get some sort of agenda accomplished. Right now they are either idly watching Republicans or actively whining about the outcome of the last two political elections. Nowhere do you hear about progressive bills or trying to steer the country themselves. They are like a backseat driver, criticizing Republicans for making mistakes that they themselves have no power to change. At least by promoting a consistent agenda they could attain offensive chances, right now they are clearly on the defensive. They are reacting to every Republican twitch instead of ignoring them and furthering their own goals. It probably seems like a futile attempt to propose legislation that you are well aware will be shot down, but consider the fact that voting records are easily accessible and that Democrats should attack Republicans for being Republicans, just as Democrats have come under fire for being Liberal. The Republican web of rhetoric is very intricate and thick, but it is not impenetrable.
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